Aanya Khaira

Inspired by the Montessori teaching method, My Little Chef builds upon principles of independence and curiosity to enable safe explorative play in the kitchen. Unlike other products on the market, My Little Chef is specifically designed for cooking with heat, making it the perfect tool to teach your child how to flip their first pancake or cook a meal for the whole family to enjoy. With integrated safety features and clever design, My Little Chef is the perfect tool for the future chef in your life!

10 weeks (Winter '23)

Design a personal, portable or perfect cooking heating device.

Market Research, Competitive analysis, Expert Interviews, User Research, Sketching Ideation, Rapid Prototyping, Feature Refinement, Form Refinement, CMF Considerations, KeyShot Rendering and Animation.
Inspired by the Montessori teaching method, My Little Chef aims to create a safe environment for children to explore their passions in the kitchen while learning lifelong skills!
Existing designs demonstrate minimal child use consideration including safety features, intuitive interactions, and friendly forms. 
Feature refinement explored safety interactions and parental controls enabling curiosity and independence in the kitchen. This includes safety bumpers, integrated locking mechanisms, temperature control dials, and the parental temperature locks. 
CMF and form development balanced ergonomics and familiarity creating a product that invites curiosity and exploration.

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